Elementary holds Book Character dress-up day
Characters are building their own character
The elementary held its annual Book Character dress-up to celebrate reading!
It was quite a bunch of characters
All year long, after sounding out words with phonics, reading in leveled readers, and devouring family read-aloud and chapter books -- it was time to put on a show.
Students from each grade level used their creativity (and parents' help) to adorn themselves as book characters! It seemed like ninety-three wanted to know where Waldo was, Bible characters came to life, and knights, princesses, candy makers and pirates completed the round-up.
Not to be outdone, the teachers were in full, fictional array themselves.
Festival Fun -- In Rain, Students Shine
For the first time ever, rain sent LPA's Fall Festival indoors. Secondary students, who hosted the elementary families for the afternoon event, showed amazing flexibility to change the set-up for the games booths, and treats. Later in the evening, the secondary students enjoyed their own time of socializing, pumpkin carving, and dancing.
"in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..."
...and through his creation we learn much about him!
With an abundance of creation to study, elementary science students had much to share about God in their science night presentations and displays. Throughout the grades, students have learned about light and dark, animals that crawl on their stomachs and animals that walk on four legs, stars bigger than we can image and atoms smaller than we can see--the list could go on. A job well done to all the students and teachers for a spectacular night!
Sock Hop
Secondary Student Life hosted its first ever sock hop. Keeping in theme with a classic 1950s sock hop, this informal dance was held in the school's mulit-purpose room. Students came dressed in 1950's style, and a staff member taught simple 1950's line dances. At the end of the night, students participated in a dance competition to songs such as Rockin' Robin and the Hand Jive.
Celebrating Christmas through the Arts
LPA drama students starred in Max Lucado's The Crippled Lamb, which tells the story of a young lamp with a limp who finds his purpose when he witnesses Christ’s birth. Throughout the drama, music student provided support for the performers in short interludes of Christmas hymns and carols. Among the musical performers were the primary grade music and a combined elementary and secondary orchestra. As the grand finale of the evening, guests and students enjoyed warm drinks and bake sale goodies as they walked through art displays created by art classes of all levels.
Vision meeting 2017
After a classical medley prelude performed by the advanced strings ensemble, Vision Meeting 2017 provided current families a peek at the 2017-18 academic year. A sample includes:
Vision --
- The year focus verse is to "walk in a manner worthy of the Lord," from Colossians 1, Ephesians 4 and Philippians 1.
- The development of continuous improvement groups.
- Approval of academy's readiness package in the SACS / AdvancED accreditation process.
The three academic grade level supervisors related their divisions' emphases for the coming year.
- Refinement of academic relationship and duty-sharing between campus and home.
- Positive experience and results in the current year with further refinement of Creation Day organization in science, and review of middle school science materials.
- Refined Latin progression and improved junior high success skills studies.
- Introduction of AP Calculus and other pursuits for grades 11-12.
Student Life -- plans include continued summer events and deepening expansion into elementary grades.
Athletics and Arts -- Continued development will include expansion of arts opportunties.
Pasta, praise, & prayer
Pasta...Secondary students enjoyed a spaghetti fellowship lunch.
Praise... the LPA worship band led a time of worship.
And prayer... then students broke into smaller groups for prayer.
The afternoon event saw students rotate around various campus rooms that students decorated for the theme and topic being prayed for -- such as academy teachers/staff, international missions, students, governement leaders, etc
An historical event
Elementary students unfold history
Mayans gazed in wonder at the Hebrew Tabernacle. Egyptians were inspired by the Gettysburg Address. And representatives from various nations and eras of church history reminded the audience that God loves all people groups and that history has a purpose in His plan. Students and teachers combined for a very successful History Night and are to be commended for their efforts.
Grades K5 through six each presented a program on their studies so far this semester. Additionally, various history projects were on display for all the families and extended families to see. Lake Pointe's curriculum uses the teaching of four periods of history: ancient, medieval, early modern, and modern. With one period studied each year, this cycle repeats every four years through 10th grade, after which students study American History and Government.
Students host Festival
Secondary students planned an executed their annual Fall Festival. First, they set up a collection of booths, games, and activities, in order to host the elementary students and their parents in late afternoon. Then they enjoyed the area themselves for a night time social.
Lots to admire in creativity, effort, and hopitality. Good time had by all. Thanks, students.