Statement of Faith
From Article III of the Lake Pointe Family Ministries of the Carolinas, Inc. by-laws:
The following are the foundational beliefs on which Lake Pointe Family Ministries of the Carolinas, Inc. is based:
We believe that the Bible alone, in its autographs, is the verbal, plenary, inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God, and that it is the only fit, final rule in all matters of both faith and practice. (II Tim. 3:16)
We believe there is only one living and true God, eternally existing in three persons; that these are equal in every divine perfection, and that they execute distinct but harmonious offices in the work of creation, providence, and redemption. (Deut. 5:4, Gen. 1:1, I John 5:7)
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal, visible, and bodily return at a time when He is not expected, in order to consummate history and the eternal plan of God in power and glory. (John 10:30, Matt. 1:18, Matt. 24:36, Heb. 4:15, John 10:32, Rom. 3:25, Matt. 28:6, Rom. 8:34, Luke 21:27)
In the understanding and teaching of origins, we believe that God created everything out of nothing, that He created it “good,” and that He is glorified and revealed in His creation. Christians have differed as to the age of the earth, based upon the Genesis chapter 1 and 2 accounts of creation. Faithful Christians can hold various interpretations, which affirm the inerrant character of Genesis 1. (Gen. 1 & 2; Ps. 19; Ro. 1)
Concerning human beings, we believe humans are created in the image of God. We believe in God’s literal and special creation of Adam and Eve as the first man and woman, and that all mankind is directly descended from Adam and Eve. We believe that man was created distinctly different from animals and that God gave man dominion over the earth and all creatures upon that earth. We reject the theory that humans evolved from lower life forms. (Gen. 1 & 2; Eph. 4:24; Col. 3:10).
Concerning human beings, we believe humans are created in the image of God. We believe in God’s literal and special creation of Adam and Eve as the first man and woman, and that all mankind is directly descended from Adam and Eve. We believe exclusively in the biblical pattern and definition of marriage as being one man to one woman, according to God’s original, ordained sign in Adam and Eve. (Gen. 1 & 2; Mark 10:8-9)
We believe that man was created distinctly different from animals and that God gave man dominion over the earth and all creatures upon that earth. We reject the theory that humans evolved from lower life forms. (Gen. 1 & 2; Eph. 4:24; Col. 3:10).
We believe that for the salvation of mankind, all of which is sinful and totally depraved, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary; that the blessings of salvation are made to all by the free offer of the Gospel and any rejection of it is entirely by his or her own inherent depravity and voluntary rejection of this most glorious truth. (John 3:3-‐8; Jer. 17:9, Ro. 2:38)
We believe that salvation is by God’s grace alone, through faith alone, and in Christ alone; that salvation of sinners can only be through the mediatorial offices of the Son of God; who by the appointment of the Father, took upon him human flesh and human nature, yet without sin; that He fulfilled all that the Law required in perfect obedience, and by His death made a full atonement for our sins; and that in every way Jesus is uniquely qualified to be the only suitable, compassionate and all-sufficient Savior. (Eph. 2:8, 1 Tim. 2:5, John 6:38, Heb. 4:15, 1 John 4:2, Matthew 5:17, 1 John 2:2)
We believe that faith without works is dead. (James. 2:8)
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose power the Christian is being sanctified to live a godly life. (Gal. 5:16)
We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost: That at the coming of Jesus Christ from heaven, the dead will rise from the grave and a solemn separation will then take place; that the lost are resurrected to eternal condemnation and endless punishment in hell; Those that are saved are resurrected to eternal life and endless joy in the new heavens and new earth; and that this judgment is fixed forever in the final state of men. (I Thes. 4:16-‐17, II Thes. 1:9, Rev. 21:5, Isaiah 66:22-24; Luke 16:19-31)
We believe in the existence of Satan as a literal creature. Although he is already defeated on Jesus Christ’s cross and his ultimate doom is assured by God’s sovereignty, we believe Satan is still rebelling against God by working in the world to destroy the souls of men, and that he, all his fallen angels, and all who do not receive Christ as their personal Savior will eternally perish in the lake of fire. (1 Cor. 5:5, John 8:44; Eph. 2:2-3; Gen. 3; John 10:10)
We believe in the spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. (John 17:20-‐ 23).
We affirm the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed of 325 A.D.