Discipleship educational training
What does educational training look like? Perhaps the following example practices may help draw a sketch.
- Jesus Christ is at the center of all our goals and activities. It is for His glory that we exist.
- Not mere platitudes, the Gospel and His call to "Follow Me" must be the core of Christian education.
- A biblically-integrated approach seeks to reveal Scriptural Truth along with knowledge.
- The Bible is used as a learning tool, whose truth comments upon all subjects.
- Memorization of key Scripture passages to “hide truth in students’ hearts.”
- History courses reveal the “nature of man” and include Christian church history
- The same mission drives all campus life, activities and athletics: help parents disciple their children.
- Affirmation, correction, and discipline use Scriptural basis to teach right understanding and actions.
- Grades 7-12 gather each on-campus day in assembly to encourage various aspects of Christian living:
- Brief messages, activities and games to encourage and teach Scriptural Truth
- Small group prayer, discussions of Scripture, etc.
- Visiting and faculty presenters
- Musical praise, celebrations, and fellowship times
- An intentional track of “Life and ministry preparation” courses in the secondary program provides distinctive and intentional academic support in discipleship.