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Click here to hear Athletic Director Bill Spratley explain how Jesus is Lord over Mariner Athletics

A surprising sports mission?

The mission of Lake Pointe's athletic program is the academy's mission, one and the same.
Oftentimes, the sports program is treated with different expectations, because...
well, because it's sports.
it's competitive, and it's physical, and it's emotional, and, well... sports. You know.

No, we don't know.

Jesus doesn't exclude any areas of life when He said, "Follow me, and I'll make you fishers of men."

The Apostle Paul graphically used several sports metaphors in describing the Christ-follower's life, including two in I Corinthians chapter 9: "running the race" and boxing ("I do not fight like a man beating the air." So in Romans 12, when he says "offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship," Paul means "to leave it all on the field of life" and to be "all in." 

Lake Pointe's team sports program is highly competitive, but chasing an inflated ball or winning trophies is not allowed to compromise the integrity or witness of athletes, coaches, or fans.


How Lake Pointe's mission applies to athletics:

Partner with parents to lead students into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by
       educating (creating knowledgeable students of the game)
       encouraging (to bravely and diligently give their best)
       and equipping them (building skills and discernment)
in intentional excellence from a Biblical worldview.