First admissions step:
Attending a "Discover LPA" presentation is the mandatory start -- and a smart one! Come see us, and find out more!
Admissions meetings for prospective families are completed for 2023-24.
Lake Pointe ends its registration early, so as to best prepare to serve families over the summer.
Questions -- or want to register for a presentation? E-mail Admissions@LakePointeAcademy.org
The value of the "Discover LPA" presentation
Learn foundational details, meet the people involved, and ask questions!
- General session: Philosophy, methods, and heart of LPA's unique, holistic program
- Break-out sessions by grade levels to learn logistics of parent-involved learning
- - Have questions about the presentations? See below for FAQ's.
- - For an overview of the complete admissions process, click here
Click below for answers.
"Tell me about your school."
This is something people often say when they call. Because of LPA's unique qualtiies and interwoven pillars, this is difficult to do in a short conversation. In fact, it takes us about two hours to feel we've covered it well, which is why we hold the info sessions. The "Discover LPA" session allows parents and students to capture the heart and vision of the school, meet leaders and staff, browse curricula, and get answers to the many questions surrounding the University Model, the classical approach, and the means of a Biblical-worldview education.
Because the Lake Pointe ministry is different in so many ways from other educational forms, it's vital that families understand key elements of LPA's mission, aims, and operations. Once a family has shown a simple time investment and agrees with the foundations of the LPA program, our staff is then willing to spend much time to help a family gain specific details and to translate LPA to their unique situation.
Yes, please do RSVP. It's important to sign up for a particular "Preview" informational meeting so we can adequately prepare. Simply send an e-mail with "information" in the subject heading to: mailbox@LPA-SC.com
When you RSVP, share the following: parents' names, students' names and current grade levels, and phone number (in case something arises at the last moment).
We'll do everything to accommodate your family. An advanced count helps with set-up, refreshments, and materials to distribute.
If less than 24-hour notice, please simply call the school office at 803-631-LAKE (5253).
If more than 24 hours, please e-mail your intentions to mailbox@LPA-SCcom
All presentations are held at the LPA campus:
3168 Hands Mill Highway (Hwy. 274)
For directions click here.
At the campus, please enter the larger, main building.
The first part of the evening covers foundational and inter-connected aspects of LPA's mission and operation.
We want you to understand all sides of these vital areas:
(1) LPA's modes for Christian education (Discipleship model, mission, biblical integration, and ministry-life prep courses)
(2) The parent-involved University Model approach
(3) Classical education aims, content, and approaches
(4) Lake Pointe's mission, culture, feel, and operation
(5) Roles and responsibilties of parents, students, and staff
Then we'll break into elementary and secondary grade divisions to cover the "nuts and bolts" details parents tell us is important to them.
There is time for parents and students to ask questions.
At their option, families may also:
- Examine curriculum samples
- Tour the facilities
And/or meet:
- Academic supervisers
- Teachers
- Athletic director
- Student Life director
This is a very legitimate question, for which you may not be satisfied with the answer.
First, we are adding more and more information on this web site so that parents may do a good bit of self-discovery to determine if LPA is a good match and worth examining further.
As to the "Discover LPA" events, all we can say is that over the past eleven years, we have found these presentations to be crucial in helping families understand Lake Pointe's mission and operation. Other University Model schools with over twenty years of experience tell us the same thing. Parents are highly involved in the UMS model, including a great time investment. Parents participate in the home learning, the necessary training to support that co-teaching, and the community-building opportunties within LPA's program. If someone feels his lifestyle's time pressure is too much to visit the campus for an evening, then Lake Pointe is probably not a good fit for the family.
Further, important life decisions generally go better when folks see the people they will be dealing with. First impressions and the recommendations of trusted friends and family are helpful. Deuteronomy Chapter 6 tells us the education of our children -- to teach them about the Lord God -- is a command to parents, starting with the fathers. It is therefore a crucial life decision of who a parent might trust to help them in this obedience.
Far from a high-pressured or overly rosy experience, we've sometimes been accused of "trying to talk people out of coming to LPA." Our goal is to share a clear picture of the opportunities and requirements -- the blessings and the burdens of LPA and the University Model. Some of the stragetic portions of the presentation and interaction are designed to serve as a magnet. Yes, a magnet is generally known for its power of attraction, but that is just one reaction. Two magnets can also push each other away, if oppositely aligned. Our desire in explaining our ministry is to help parents gain clarity, so that they will either want to pursue Lake Pointe with increased interest, or to realize that another education form may be a better fit.
It's perfectly fine for one parent to come to a meeting early in the season to scout if Lake Pointe might fit the family's education goals. Because LPA has different focuses, approaches, and content than other schools, however, it's imperative that both spouses interact with a presentation.
After all, God created husbands and wives to complement each other in the evaluation and discernment process. Yes, dad works hard and dad has a travel schedule, etc., but the decision to attend Lake Pointe affects an entire year of family time commitment. What's required is mutual parent agreement on the decision and its implications.
What we've seen happen far too often, for example, is that the wife -- who is usually the scout -- may be sold on the idea after attending. When she shares her excitement, the husband may be willing to go along, thinking LPA is basically like other school with similar content. The dad may or may not be listening carefully. When it comes to the family conference for actual admission, we've had dads be genuinely surprised about some foundational differences about the LPA program. If one spouse does not clearly appreciate the benefits of the Christian, classical, and University Model approaches, he or she will not fully support the family's venture and will quickly tire when hard effort is required.
Dads also say things like, "My wife handles all the education decisons," as a way of not paying attention to details or for avoiding meetings. Ah, but that's not always true. When things become inconvenient, or there's struggle as the wife and children seek to adjust, that's often when dad swoops in to "fix things," as men are prone to do. LPA is not a good option for families where a full understanding and commitment by both parents is lacking.
We encourage older students to attend if the parents feel it is appropriate. After all, it would be their academy. Plus, young people ask some of the very best questions. Some parents want to investigate first, before involving their children, and that's fine, too.
That being said, please know that the presentation is geared toward adults, so younger children may become antsy. You can bring books, coloring materials, etc. to help occupy children. For babies and toddlers, it is likely best to find a sitter so that mom and dad can focus upon the information presented. Being physically present, but missing key details because of distractions, does not lead to quality decisions.
Just bring something for taking notes, and we can even supply those materials.
Parents of young children might bring coloring books, silent toys, or books.
Please come as you are. It's evening, and it's likely been a long day. Feel free to wear comfortable clothing.
That said, we'll spend part of our time in an auditorium-sized room. Please bring a light sweater or jacket for any cold-natured members of the family.
Excellent! That's often helpful. It's a rare instance, however, when a friend or neighbor shares all the pertinent information.
Some of our funniest stories come from what people "discover" was left out from the discussion with a friend or neighbor.
In order to evaluate LPA for your family, we need to be on the same page.
The problem is, with many of the folks interested in our program, we're not even in the same book, when it comes to certain aspects. Families have heard some things about LPA, but are often surprised about others. We all make assumptions about educational and operational aspects of a school or church, based upon our own experience and what other similar programs do. It's critical to compare the assumptions to what's really being offered.
Please share your needs, and we'll comment and accommodate them as much as possible.
In our experience, attending half or even 75% of the time means missing 25% or half of the information shared, and this might lead to confusion and frustration down the line. Or else it means someone repeating a lot of the information that was shared when you weren't present.
Sometimes, people ask the question with a desire to shave off the non-essential, so their time won't be wasted. Our program is designed so that all is worthwhile in order for someone to more fully appreciate our program.
If you can't easily come and learn with peace and attentiveness on a given day, perhaps it would be better to attend another evening.
Great question!
The heart of the answer lies in the tension between desperately wanting parents to have clear understanding of what they're getting into and not wanting to waste their time. Yes, you need to come again. This requirement is to seek to bless you must fully and to minimize future frustration.
As the Lord has let us to improvements over the years, we have been making constant refinements to our program. Likewise, we have been constantly tweaking the information shared at the Discover LPA events and how we share it. For this reason, our experience suggests that someone seeking to operate on last year's -- or even more dated information -- will be missing perhaps very significant puzzle pieces.
Even former LPA families seeking to return will likely note a lot of new information.
For just a few specific examples, in 2015-16 we are removing one course, introducing two new courses, and adjusting graduation requirements. We are making significant adjustments in elementary science and history and adding core subject attendance requirements for middle elementary. Student participation, and how we explain it, is different. Finally, in the presentations, we've refined how we present key aspects of the program and changed the supporting materials.
Throughout our history, the "Discover LPA" events have proven to be so vital to the success of enrolled families, that they are a non-negotiable part of our admissions process. Experience shows us time and time again that parents who are not able to commit a couple of hours are not likely to give the necessary parent time and energy investment to their role in LPA's University Model operation. Sometimes, it's just a busy season. In that case, perhaps it's best to wait for next year.
Some families move from outside the area and their travel plans don't easily coincide with the meeting dates. First of all, welcome to the Carolinas! We can certainly understand the multiple demands of moving. There's so much to do and it all seems to need to happen in a rush. In the same way a house or apartment has to be seen in its context in order to make a reasonable decision, we believe Lake Pointe makes the most sense when examined through the normal admissions process -- which starts with the info presentation. The new-to-the-area families who have enjoyed success in Lake Pointe's ministry have found a way to attend. Respectful of a family's commitment to do so, we can often schedule other admissions steps to occur during the parent's trip, in order to make the investment worthwhile.
What families say...
"We've had people tell us about Lake Pointe, but the (info) meeting really made it all come together for us..."
"The presentation gave us so much to think about and pray about... honestly, it was a little overwhelming at first, but we were really glad to have all the information to sort through..."
"The break out session by grade level was really helpful. I appreciate we were able to ask so many questions..."
"We honestly didn't know what to expect, but when we hear the heart and the vision of the school, my wife and I just looked at each other. We knew this was the place we'd been looking for..."
We were so hopeful that Lake Pointe would be the place for our two students, so we were disappointed to find some things that just weren't going to work for us. But at least we found out early and we understand why..."