The Pendulum Swings
Physical science students got into the swing of things
This week, eighth graders helped Mrs. Johnson erect a pendulum in the gym to test the concept.
Yes, the science says it's safe, but having the swinging weight coming at one's face made a few flinch.
Science is the process of thinking God's thoughts after Him.
-- Johannes Kepler
"in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..."
...and through his creation we learn much about him!
With an abundance of creation to study, elementary science students had much to share about God in their science night presentations and displays. Throughout the grades, students have learned about light and dark, animals that crawl on their stomachs and animals that walk on four legs, stars bigger than we can image and atoms smaller than we can see--the list could go on. A job well done to all the students and teachers for a spectacular night!
Exploring Creation
During their field trip at the York County Museum, first through fourth grade science classes explored creation up close. Students learned about rocks and how they erode, furry creatures from everyday, and galaxies beyond human sight. Many of the fact they learned add hands-on experience to the earth science and astrology classroom lessons they have learned this year.
Type A - or O - Biology
Honors biology students executed an activity to test and identify their blood types.
Mrs. Smith led students through the exercise to understand the simple typing of blood, and the varieties and characteristics of human blood.
Parents were invited to attend the special class session and to join in, and several did, making the lab an enjoyable time for all involved.
Beyond the scientific explanations and exciting information, the type-O category suggests a higher "universal donor" in Christ.
5th graders dig fossil field trip
5th grade scientists traveled around the lake to the Museum of York County for an amazing field trip. Elementary science teachers, Mr. Fleming and Mrs. Benigni, led the event.
Assisted by the excellent museum staff and its facilities, the students "dug" into fossilization and the study of bones in the naturalist center. After the presentation, students were encouraged to open the various resource drawers and cabinets in the nature center room.