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Our focus is Jesus Christ

As an educational academy, we have a large and serious job to do in providing excellent academic education, but academics are not our primary focus. It cannot be. We must educate well in addition to our highest calling, which is to glorify God the Father by focusing on His provision of His Son as Lord and Savior.

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. (Colossians 3:1-2)

To read the academy's Faith Statement, click here.



Vision: What we hope to see

Thoroughly equipped, godly young men and women lovingly, winsomely, and obediently impacting their ever-expanding sphere of influence with the life-saving Gospel of Jesus Christ and every good work – even to the ends of the earth. (2 Timothy 3:16-17; Matthew 28:18-20)

Mission: Our calling

Recognizing that no ultimately fruitful ministry can occur apart from Jesus Christ (John15:4), and seeking the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit, Lake Pointe Academy’s mission is to:

Partner with parents to lead students into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by educating, encouraging, and equipping them in intentional excellence from a Biblical worldview.

Core Values: How we focus our culture

By words and actions, we choose to operate by these focus values, so we can recognize and remember important truths related to our ministry.

1. Prayer

Our provision and success come from the Lord. He graciously allows and commands us to continually commune and make requests of His benevolent nature.

2. Humility

           If “To God be all the glory,” then He must increase, and we must decrease, lest we build up our name and not His.

3. Community

           Fellowship and relationship will mark our culture. We will aim to do life together, in programs and plans. May members celebrate individual and communal milestones and achievements, and may they hold up each other in times of difficulty and sorrow. 

4. Servant Leadership

Servant leadership begins with service. Jesus’ words and the Epistles call us to work, to serve others, and to do our best as unto God. Leadership development should thus be servant leadership, and not the worldly type, which lords over others.

5. World evangelism

Education should equip for the Great Commission. God loves all peoples. Jesus calls us to Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing and sharing all that we’ve learned of His life-saving Gospel


Slogans: Reminder of the benefit of difficulty

“A ship in a harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for.” – John A. Shedd

“Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.” -proverb


LPA is a certified member of the National Association of University Model Schools

VISION of NAUMS: To strengthen America's families and values by helping parents prepare college-worthy, character witnesses of Christ for the next generation.