Posts Tagged "philosophy"
Competition and the Christian school
June 03, 2020
I bet I can throw a rock farther than you can! Let's talk about that.
How should Christians view competition in athletics?
Athletic director, Mr. Bill Spratley, took time to record a three-part series on competition. In the episodes, he discusses the roots of competition in human nature, and how Lake Pointe seeks to apply competition in the biblical training and encouragement of the entire LPA community -- including the academy's five core values:
- Servant leadership
- Community
- Humility
- Prayer
- World evangelization -- as a "city on a hill."
Adding to Mr. Spratley's previous discussion on athletic coaching philosophy, the new series includes three related topics:
- A Philosophy of competition and human nature
- Biblical views of Christian competition
- How competition factors in the Mariner athletic program
Listen while in the car or exercising!