Details and updates on Lake Pointe activities


Blessing Bag Packing

January 23, 2019
By LPA staff

Who? All secondary staff and students are invited to come.

What? We will be assemblying care packages for the homeless.

These bags can be carried around in your car to handout to the homeless as you encounter them throughout your every day week.  Students will pack the bags, learn a bit on how to approach the homeless, and pray over the bags that God would use them to bless people and to build a bridge for them to hear the good news.  At the end of the event, bags will be distributed to students for their (or parents’) cars.  

To properly do this, we will need donations.  Please see the donations list below for details.

We will also be continuing to collect any winter wear items listed below to take to Bethel United Methodist’s warming center (coats, pants, sweat shirts, underwear [new only], and socks [new only]).  You can drop these items off at front desk of the school. 

When? Friday, February 1st from 1:30-2:30 pm.

Where? Lake Pointe Academy

Donation? Socks, small bottled water, granola/cereal bars, toothbrushes, toothpaste (travel size), peanut butter cracker packs, wet wipes (travel size), chap stick, deodorant (travel size), hand lotion (travel size), band aids, combs, mints, hand warmers, tissue packets (travel size) and any pocket New Testaments you have.  Please bring items to turn into the front desk.