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Employment Opportunites

Looking to teach or serve?

We are grateful for your interest in serving in the educational ministry of Lake Pointe Academy. Please learn more about us below and then contact us. Lake Pointe staff members count it an honor is to serve alongside other passionate Christ-followers!  What a blessing it will be for the families, students, and fellow instructors to experience your unique testimony and gifts. 

Below are exapanding topics designed to help you discover if Lake Pointe might be a good fit for you and your interests, experience, and priorities.

  • Simply click on the topic name to reveal its contents.
  • Click the topic name again to hide the content.


Ongoing needs

We are actively recruiting instructors for the coming year, for which we expect various positions, and perhaps for the current year. See below for details. 
Let us hear from you now, if the Lord is calling you to a part-time classroom ministry experience. 

2024-25 openings

  • We have the following part-time positions available, for which we are currently receiving resumes.
  • Qualified candidates should send a cover letter with resume to
    Please address questions there as well.
  • If you do not see an exact match currently available, please share your interest anyway, and Let the Lord control the timing!
Updated: July 12, 2024
ELEMENTARY (K5-5th)     Tue/Thur
  • Language Arts and History, 3rd and 4th grade levels
  • Science 3rd and 4th grade levels
  • Math, 5th grade
  • History 5
MIDDLE SCHOOL (6th - 8th)  Mon-Wed-Fri
  • Latin, 6th grade level
  • English literature and composition, 7th and 8th grade
  • Science, jr. high 
  • English, high school
  • Biology, high school 
  • Choral direction
  • Music direction
  • Drama direction


Future needs 

Who knows what the future holds? Only the Lord, but we do know that we are always looking for quality teachers and aides in Lake Pointe's unique educational culture. We often like to talk to prospective instructors early, so as to introduce good fit teachers to a slower onboarding and transition process for potential service during the current year and for the coming one. 

Please do share your e-mail inquiries and resume now, regardless of what is specifically posted. 

Lake Pointe is a college prep, following a classically influenced liberal arts curriculum (SHALOM), with a need for instructors in the subjects of Science, History, Arts, Languages, Orthodox Christian studies, and Math. 

  • English/Language Arts
  •           -Elementary: phonics, structured composition, literature, grammar
  •           -Middle and high school: great books literature, composition, grammar
  • Math (Singapore method, through grade 6)
  • Latin
  • Science (General science presentation through grade 7, then physical, biology, chemistry, physics, and human anatomy)
  • History (Three cycles of one year each of ancient, medieval, early modern, and modern)
  • Bible and ministry prep (secondary)
  • Arts: Music, band, violin and other strings, choral, drama assistance
  • Athletics: Coaching help
  1. All teaching positions are part time.
    As such, we offer a fulfilling teaching opportunity, but a lousy "job," If a full time career position is sought. Faculty members are compensated by the class, and the average courseload is about two courses per teacher. The opportunity rewards those seeking time and flexibility to fuel their passion, while not surrendering personal or family time. For details on pay, see "How does compensation work" in the next section.
  2. Lake Pointe uses Biblical integration, meaning that God's Word is interwoven and taught throughout every course. Truth comments on every subject. Each teacher is free to be developing the "mind of Christ," while leading  students to do the same. This may be quite different from other school experiences, but faith in Christ cannot be an add-on to a secular or "neutral" education. Jesus did not come to be a "garnish," but rather the daily "Bread of Life."
  3. Classes meet two or three days per week. Parents supervise and assist worthy, teacher-assigned work on the other days to prepare students to return to the classroom (Elementary classes meet Tues. & Thurs.; Secondary meets Mon.-Wed.-Fri.)
  4. Classes are taught at the gifted/talented and honors academic levels, facilitated by high expectations of strong Christian work ethic and conduct, and  the integral parent involvement.


For those looking for a teaching position as a "job," Lake Pointe is probably not a good fit. 

The opportunity for an LPA teacher is educational ministry, not a job. 

The difference is both real and profound. 

Lake Pointe makes a terrible "job," but it makes a wonderful teaching ministry opportunity. 

The following information seeks to explain Lake Pointe's teaching arrangement, course structure, and compensation plan.

  • Yes, teachers are paid.
  • Yes, there are great blessings available through instructing at LPA.
  • But for those looking for a full-time teaching position comparable to traditional schools, this is not that opportunity. All teaching positions are part-time.
  • LPA's academic structure and alternating day schedule means teachers are on-campus a lot less time, enjoying a shorter academic year and several week-long breaks. This is possible because of the high parental participation and highly motivated learners.
  • The alternating day schedule has elementary classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays, while grades 7-12 enjoy secondary level classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
  • We share this upfront to help protect teachers' time and energy as they search for good fits.

To explain what we mean, please allow a sort of analogy. The proper starting paradigm position is vital to appreciate anything in comparison. Want an excellent piece of chicken? Chick-fil-A serves millions daily and is known for its quality. But if one is looking for a $30 serving of Coq au Vin from a French restaurant, Chick-fil-A is not the place!

So, imagine if your church announced it was starting a ministry to families, whereby it wanted students and parents to recognize God in educational subjects and to seek to love and honor Him with the mind, as Jesus commanded, in addition to one's heart, strength, and soul. If that was a way to use your spiritual gift of teaching, your soul would delight. Then, if you discovered the church was compensating teachers instead of it being a volunteer situation, in the context of church ministry, that would be seen as a blessing. This is likely the most helpful way in which to begin to examine teaching at Lake Pointe.

The academy works best for those who want fair pay, but who prize time away from campus, flexibility, and long breaks.

  • Second income spouses
  • Retired persons who want to contribute to the lives of students, part-time
  • Younger teachers looking to gain experience
  • Teachers with their own children who are looking to keep teaching without the all-day, everyday contract 

The plan does not work for those concerned with maximum income to support themselves or a family.  

Fair pay rate that prioritizes time and flexibility

At Lake Pointe, a gifted teacher can instruct in a ministry setting to the extent he or she chooses, without an all-week commitment. The pay rate, if extended to a 5-day per week, 180 day schedule, would be competitive, in the range of $32,000 to $39,000. But the simple fact is that no one can teach that many different preparations, classes do not meet five days per week, and the academic year is shorter. LPA instructors serve fewer hours and days on campus, with the alternating days schedule and the generous breaks. 

Of course, instructors are compensated for their time, but if the expectation starts out comparing the opportunity to public or even traditional private schools, the comparison will not appear positive at first. Because Lake Pointe offers many unexpected blessings, a more careful evaluation of the school's teaching arrangement is required to determine if the opportunity fits. 

Teaching at LPA best rewards those looking to trade time for money.

  • It works best for those who want fair pay, but who prize time away from campus, flexibility, and long breaks.
  • The plan does not work for those concerned with maximum income to support themselves or a family.  
  • LPA instructors serve fewer hours and days on campus, with the alternating days schedule and the generous breaks. 

While storing up treasures in heaven offers staggering eternal benefits, teaching even one course requires real time, energy, and prayer. Serving in student and family ministry is to be on the front lines in the battle for the hearts and minds of the next generation’s members of Christ’s Body. Therefore, the "workman is worth his wages."



Primary level (Grades K5-2): Tuesday/Thursday schedule
2 days
$4,250 / year:    Focus core (language arts): class length is 150 minutes
$2,550 / year:    Focus core (math): class length is 90 minutes
$1,700 / year:    Core (history / science) or elective: class length is 60 minutes

Elementary level (Grades 3-5): Tuesday/Thursday schedule
2 days
$4,250 / year:    Grade 3 and 4 Language arts Focus core class: length is 150 minutes
$2,550 / year:    Math 3rd,  4th, and 5: class length is 90 minutes
$1,700 / year:    Core (history / science) or elective: class length is 60 minutes 

Secondary level (Grades 6-12): Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule
$3,060 / year:    MWF (3 days): Core (English, math, history, science): class length is 60 minutes
$2,030 / year:    MW:  (2 days): Ministry/life prep elective or general elective: class length is 60 minutes.


  1. Find out more about Classical Christian Education and classical approaches. 
     Click Here  
    and Then click here 
    and also click here
  2. Find out  more about University Model Schools  -- Visit this site; Click Here
  3. For further information regarding faculty and staff positions at Lake Pointe, please email us at mailbox@LakePointeAcademy.ORG

Non-Discrimination Policy
Lake Pointe Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities made available to students of the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national, and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, financial assistance, athletics, or any other school administered programs.

* Biblical integration, allowing them to teach God's Word woven throughout the academics

* Flexibility to teach (not having to teach full-time)
        Elementary classes meet Tues. & Thurs.; Secondary classes meet Mon.-Wed.-Fri.
        Four full-week breaks during the year, plus 3 weeks a
t Christmas; 17-week semesters

* Ability to teach just the subject areas and grade levels of their passion (not the range of their certification) 

* Low student-teacher ratio (maximum target of 16:1 in Kindergarten to grade 6 and 18:1 in grades 7 to 12)

* Students who want to learn and who come to class prepared from at-home days

* The support of engaged, committed parents assisting the students at home

* Challenging academics through the classical model -- not teaching dumbed-down material

* Administrative support in working through issues (life lessons) with parents and students

* Interaction with parents -- learning to "teach through" other people

* The chance to serve alongside and to learn from like-minded (but varied!) believers  

* Reduced administrative load and non-classroom responsibilities


Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.        Romans 12:11


There is something so inspiring, so contagious, and so unstoppable about passionate people. Passion is so essential that people asked to describe their most memorable, life-impacting teachers almost always list passion as the top contributing quality.

Lake Pointe Academy is looking for staff members who are passionate about...

• The Lord Jesus Christ Loving, honoring, and serving the Lord, desiring to grow spiritually by obeying His Spirit

• Young people Loving them, enjoying them, and investing in them to train for their future Kingdom role

• The academic subject(s) Enjoying the subject(s), learning, and kindling the flames of learning and wonder in others

• Teaching for understanding Being creative, flexible, and persistent to help all students grasp new concepts

• Families and the value of parenting Encouraging and equipping parents for an active mentoring role in their children’s education


 Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers,
Because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.
James 3:1

But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Matt. 18:6


Scripture cautions  

Scripture can be quite blunt when discussing the eternal significance of proper teaching and ministry to children. The charge is sobering and the challenge is humbling. Just as none should enter the institution of marriage without careful consideration, the prospect of working with young people – especially with their minds – ought to be approached with appropriate seriousness. Jesus challenged us in His call to follow Him that we should first “count the costs.”


Scripture compels  

Does this mean no one should teach? Nothing could be farther from the truth! Five times in the first chapter of the book bearing his name, Joshua is charged by God to “be strong and very courageous” in carrying out his mission. As Paul confirms, those who are called by Christ must teach to be obedient. This is how teachers use their unique spiritual gifting to fulfill their particular role in God’s Kingdom.

It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.      Ephesians 4:11-13

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of healing, those able to help others, those with gifts of administration, and those speaking in different kinds of tongues.               I Corinthians 12:27-28


Scripture contributes

For the seemingly awesome task of preparing the next generation, God’s Word first places responsibility for teaching upon the mother and father. Instructors in the University Model have both strong scriptural basis and the UMS design to provide strong parent partnership and reinforcement.

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.      Deuteronomy 6:5-9


  • The University Model School format and Lake Pointe's culture are different than many schools.
  • All teaching positions are part-time, meaning that the faculty is larger and more diverse than one might expect in a modest size school.
  • The alternating day schedule means teachers (and students) are on-campus every other day.  this translates into less emotional fatigue, more freshness and excitement, and a positive urgency to be about the business of learning. 
  • Students are more motivated, prepared, and confident in the classroom, because their parents have committed upfront to assist and supervise their students at home on the days students are not on campus. 
  • Instructors are given training and proven parameters and tools for success. Supervisors support and encourage teachers in both their academic and biblical character building efforts.
  •  Strategic breaks and shortened semesters provide rest and regeneration within a challenging curriculum.

Requirements for service on staff in administrative, athletic, and artistic roles relate to the actual position. Requirements specifically for academic teachers are shared below.

Requirements to teach

  • As ministers of the Gospel of Jesus, teachers must be able to articulate a salvation testimony, to agree with the academy's statement of faith, and be able to integrate biblical teaching from an orthodox Christian, Protestant perspective.
  • Passion for Jesus, the subject area, and both students and families
  • A bachelor’s degree is required, but we will consider applicable experience. No teaching certificate is required.
  • Classroom teaching experience preferred, but will consider an alternately qualified candidate, or path through assistant-teaching